Von Seidels at BIPF / FICPI 2019 BRICS IP Forum


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Bastiaan Koster speaking at the BIPF / FICPI 2019 BRICS IP Forum in Sweden.

At this year’s BIPF (BRICS IP Forum) on 9 & 10 May 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden there will be a special session on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), hosted by Von Seidels managing partner, Bastiaan Koster.

The Forum will provide updates on the key themes, AI and IoT. Although there are different views on how soon we will see real AI playing a role in our everyday lives, there are AI experts predicting that it will happen sooner than expected.

Many questions currently have no clear answer, which is why a panel of experts from the BRICS countries and Sweden will discuss these key themes in detail and provide their views on how AI inventions will be dealt with in the BRICS countries.  IP practitioners who are aware of the issues will soon be in a better position to prepare their practices to advise clients on the possible consequences of AI and IoT technologies.

More information is available in the BIPF brochure .

Von Seidels at BIPF / FICPI 2019 BRICS IP Forum

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